Participation Agreement for Cooperating Brokers
- In order to register your client, you will need to complete our registration form. This form
must be completed in full, in a legible manner, and must be signed and
dated by both
prospective buyer and the broker/agent.
This form must be returned to our office
at least 24 hours prior to the auction.
- Stouffer’s Auction requires the broker/agent to personally accompany
their client to the auction, unless the auction is conducted "online only"'.
- Stouffer’s Auction will write the purchase agreement on a
sales contract, noting the broker/agent name.
- Professionally assist your client by providing relevant advice and property information.
- The seller shall pay the broker upon a successful settlement.
- Your client offers a reasonable market value
opening bid of ________________________. ( if this is left blank we will not consider this a valid agreement)
Broker/Agent (please print)
_______________________________ Client(s) (please print)
Property Address_______________________________________________________________
Name of Buyer’s Agent_____________________________________
Brokerage Name__________________________________________
Agent’s Office Telephone___________________________________
Name of Client___________________________________________
Address of Client_________________________________________
Client Tel.Number________________________________________
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I am representing my client, the Buyer, and not the Seller. Further, I shall hold harmless
and indemnify Stouffer’s Auction & Real Estate Co., and the Seller from any and all
claims, costs, or expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, which may arise out
of any actions or inaction’s or representations made
by me in connection with the
sale of this property.
Your client will need to bring photo ID and proof of deposit to the auction to obtain bid number.
This document acknowledges the relationship with your client for brokerage payment if you client is the winning bidder.
Buyer’s Agent Signature Date
Bidder(s) Signature Date
Bidder(s) Signature Date
Seller(s) Signature Date
Seller(s) Signature Date
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